March 10, 2022, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
@Gore Recital Hall
Lecture/Talk, Paul R. Jones Initiative
Paul R. Jones Annual Distinguished Lecture 2022: Aaron P. Dworkin:
Aaron P. Dworkin
The Paul R. Jones Annual Distinguished Lecture 2022, “Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice in the Classical Music Scene”, will be given by Aaron P. Dworkin with an opening performance by the UD graduate student Chamber Music Ensemble performing a piece by acclaimed composer and violinist Jessie Montgomery.
March 10, 6–7:30 p.m. EST
Gore Recital Hall, Roselle Center for the Performing Arts, University of Delaware
6- 6:15 p.m.: Welcome & performance
6:15 – 7 p.m.: Lecture
7-7:30 p.m.: Q & A
7:30 – 8:15 p.m.: Reception for Live attendees
This event is hosted by the Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) sub-committee of UDARI and sponsored by the University of Delaware’s Paul R. Jones Initiative, School of Music, Community Engagement Initiative, and CAS Associate Dean Suzanne Burton.