AAP Grant

Applications for Spring 2025 have closed. Stay tuned for our next CFP for Spring 2026.

The UD CAS Interdisciplinary Humanities Research Center (IHRC) will offer Fast-Track Grants for AAP faculty for courses taught in the Spring 2026 semester. We encourage applications from all disciplinary perspectives for courses that create pathways for students and faculty to engage the Humanities in key questions, topics, or projects; or in partnership with others (faculty, guests, organizations). The course need not be a designated humanities course. Beekeeping can engage storytelling, for example. Looking for ideas over the summer? Check past IHRC grants. The Core Concept focus of our colleagues at Delaware Humanities may also feed your creative and inquiring mind. Talk to past grantees! The inaugural grantees for the Fast-Track awards are Professors Moore and de Kramer (Spring 2023).


  • The IHRC will be able to provide up to three grants, with a maximum award amount of $3000 for courses offered in the Spring 2026 semester.
  • CFP dates will be announced Fall of 2025

Proposed projects should:

  • Engage the humanities in its content, methods, and/or outcomes;
  • Identify the issues, collaborators, opportunities, and/or sites of significance in the communities;
  • Enhance the pedagogy and student learning in the course lessons or lab work;
  • Formulate and actualize project deliverables that result from the proposal, e.g., reports, articles, websites, digital data curation, special events, etc.

Allowable costs for IHRC funding include:

  • Honoraria: external specialists, non-faculty collaborators, invited speakers, community partners and stakeholders, research participants.
  • Student/faculty field trips that are grant project related (e.g., transportation expenses).
  • Expenses for teaching and research, materials for supplementary activities or research related to the project and student engagement.
  • Specialized workshops for collaborating faculty and students.

Departmental in-kind support is required for:

  • Support for the proposal from department/unit chair or academic director(s). Please share draft CFP with your chair or program directors or sponsoring units.
  • On-load assignment of faculty to teach the proposed course.
  • Administrative support for faculty grant expenditures and financial reporting.

Maximum award amount: $3,000. Grant expenditures are reimbursed by the IHRC.

Should you wish to apply, we encourage you to imagine and conceptualize over the summer. Beyond a written project narrative, the basic IHRC grant application has the following components:

IHRC PROPOSAL TEMPLATE: Submit a PDF, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, that includes the following information and in this order:

CFP Category: [IHRC AAP Fast-Track Grant Theme]

Project title:

Principal investigator(s) and team members and home department(s)/program(s):

Project description, including a brief description of interdisciplinary collaboration:

Humanities engaged by the course, research, and/or project:

Potential significance and impact of the project including the possible learning outcomes to emerge from the project:

Primary target audience and possible existing course partnerships:

Timeline for course delivery: Spring 2026

Course name, number and cross-listed departments (if applicable):

Budget proposal (please itemize according to projected expenses and confirm that budget estimates are informed by existing UD standards and cost structures for compensation.)

Simple Excel worksheet most welcome but not required.

Please Note: The itemized budget and its rationale are among the most important considerations for grant reviewers and grant success. How will these expenditures support the ideas you have for the course project? Make this clear for the reviewers.