
Richard Zipser

Professor Emeritus of German

Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]


Richard A. Zipser, Ph.D., Emertius Professor of German, Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures, University of Delaware.Zipsers field of specialization is literature of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR). He has authored/edited or co-authored/co-edited eight books, editions, or edited compilations, published a large number of scholarly articles and book reviews, and served on various editorial boards. He is currently writing a book entitled Remembering East Germany, which focuses on his experiences in the GDR during the 1970s and 1980s.Zipser is the recipient of numerous awards, including: Excellence in Service Award, College of Arts & Sciences, for outstanding contributions in the areas of foreign language education and study abroad, 2001; Order of Excellence Award, from the Delaware State Board of Education, for outstanding service as Co-chair of the State Foreign Languages Curriculum Framework Commission, 1997; Merit Award, from the State of Delaware Department of Public Instruction, for distinctive contributions to the program of public education in Delaware, 1997; Foreign Language Advocate of the Year Award, selected by the Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 1995. In 1987, he served as President of the Association of Departments of Foreign Languages Executive Committee, Modern Language Association.