
Lynnette Young Overby

Professor of Theatre

Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]


Lynnette Young Overby, Ph.D. is a Professor of Theatre and Dance at the University of Delaware. She is the author or coauthor of over 40 publications and eight books, has a record of over 100 major presentations and performances. Her contributions have earned her more than 20 state, district, and national awards and honors, including the 2000 National Dance Association Scholar/Artist, and the 2004 Leadership Award from the National Dance Education Organization. Her publications have appeared in The Journal of Mental Imagery, The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Cognition, Imagination and Personality, and the Journal of Dance Medicine and Science. With co-authors, Beth Post and Diane Newman, Overby published the book, Interdisciplinary Learning through Dance: 101 Moventures. She serves as co-editor of eight volumes of Dance: Current Selected Research. Her research interests are in the areas of mental imagery, arts education and interdisciplinary learning. Since 1999, She has received over 400,000.00 for research, outreach and teaching projects. Overby is a Board Member and Archivist for dance and the Child international (daCi). She is currently collaborating with P. Gabrielle Foreman on a long term Performing History research project. Lynnettes 2012 work Sketches: The Life of Harriet E. Wilson in Dance, Poetry and Music. And her 2014 interdisciplinary work Dave the Potter combine original dance, music and poetry in an arts based research performance.