
Jennifer Lambe

Associate Professor of Communication
Senior Fellow in Center for Political Communication

Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]


Jennifer (Jenny) Lambe is an associate professor in the Communication Department at the University of Delaware, and a senior fellow with the Center for Political Communication. She received her Ph.D. in Journalism & Mass Communication from the University of Minnesota in 2000. Her research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of media effects, freedom of expression, and media ethics. As this relates to game studies, Lambe is interested in the positive and negative effects of gaming on individuals, groups, and society, and the ways in which these effects are redressed by various forms of regulation.In terms of media effects, she is interested in the effectiveness of games that are developed with pro-social intentions, and in the negative effects of video game content such as stereotyping of race and gender, the inclusion of advertising in the storyline of games, and the presence of explicit and gratuitous sexual and violent content. Communication research has established that games are unique among other forms of media in that the individuals engaged with the game are actively participating in the action, which amplifies the games effects.Lambe is also interested in attempts to regulate video games in the United States and around the world. Traditionally, conceptions of media responsibility and the proper role of government in relation to media have been nation-bound. But in todays interconnected world, this model is being challenged. Lambe plans to explore industry self-regulation and government regulation of video games in various countries.