Edward Larkin
Edward Larkin (BA Harvard, MA and PhD Stanford) is the author of Thomas Paine and the Literature of Revolution (Cambridge UP, 2005) and editor of Paine’s Common Sense (Broadview, 2004). His new book, The American School of Empire is forthcoming from Cambridge UP (2016). He is also the coeditor, with Ed Cahill (Fordham), of a special issue of Early American Literature on the topic of Aesthetics in Early America. He has published essays and reviews in journals such as American Literary History, Diaspora, Early American Literature, The Arizona Quarterly, and Novel, A Forum on Fiction. A former Fulbright US Scholar and the recipient of an NEH fellowship at the American Antiquarian Society, his current research focuses on print culture and empire in colonial and Revolutionary America. He teaches courses in American literature and culture from the seventeenth through the mid-nineteenth century with strong interests in visual culture, theories of sovereignty and the state, and the intersection of literature and politics.