The Colored Conventions Project
Sarah Patterson, James Casey, Jessica Conrad, Clayton Colmon, Carol Rudisell, Colette Gaiter, Jean Pfaelzer,
In the decades preceding the Civil War, free and fugitive Blacks gathered in state and national conventions to advocate for justice as Black rights were constricting across the country. www.Coloredconventions.org recovers and shares information about delegates and associated women whose civic engagement, political organizing and publications have long been forgotten.
We are delighted to announce the website for our upcoming symposium,"Colored Conventions in the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age"on April 24-25, 2015, hosted by the University of Delaware and the Delaware Historical Society.
University Library Announces Graduate Student AssistantshipsColored Conventions in the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age Symposium, April 24-26, 2015UDaily article: Colored Conventions Project launches crowd-sourcing initiativeDelaware Public Media: History Matters: The Colored Conventions ProjectColored Conventions Project TeamColored Conventions Project: Undergraduate ResearchUDaily article: University Library Announces Historic Agreement with Gale Cengage Learning and the Colored Conventions ProjectUDaily article: Digital Humanities: NEH grant awarded to support Colored Conventions ProjectUDaily article: Accessible Archives: New agreement will enhance research for Colored Conventions Project