
Hye-Shin Kim

Professor of Fashion and Apparel Studies

Newark, DE 19716
[email protected]


Hye-Shin Kim is a professor in the Department of Fashion and Apparel Studies at the University of Delaware. She received her Ph.D. from Iowa State University in textiles and clothing with a minor in statistics. Her research interests include brand perceptions, consumer motivation and interests, sustainability, and online consumer behavior. She has published in a broad range of journals including the Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, Behavior and Information Technology, and Journal of Brand Management. She currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management and Fashion and Textiles. She teaches fashion business courses in the undergraduate programs (FASH218 and FASH355), a graduate level fashion consumer course (FASH822), and a graduate certificate course related to fashion consumers and social responsibility (FASH694). She also serves as the faculty director for the international fashion internships programs in Hong Kong and Singapore.